This release provides the following improvements:
- Update bundled JRE to jdk8u432-b06
- Allow installation specific file to configure OWS. The local file placed in OWS installation directory takes precedence over the default <User_HOME>/.config/icedtea-web/
- Allow specifying place holder #USER_HOME_DIR# in the deployment properties that have file path as values, e.g. cachedir, logdir, etc.
- Enable basic HTTP cookie support to make available the cookies set while downloading of jars to the HttpRequests made by the application
- Add new JVM args to the default whitelist
- Update the list of configuration properties supported in response.varfile for unattended installation
- Prevent memory leaks in console due to output from the Jnlp application: DISABLE console by default and write output of the Jnlp application to the console only when the property deployment.log.console.clientapp=true
#564 #530 AdoptOpenJDK/IcedTea-Web#921