github kamilkisiela/apollo-angular apollo-angular@9.0.0

latest releases: apollo-angular@10.0.2, apollo-angular@10.0.1, apollo-angular@10.0.0...
5 days ago

Major Changes

  • #2340
    Thanks @PowerKiKi! - - Requires @apollo/client 3.13.1

  • Dropped SubscriptionResult, because it added extra maintenance work to keep native types in
    sync, and it brought no value over using native type.

    - import type { SubscriptionResult } from 'apollo-angular';
    + import type { FetchResult } from '@apollo/client/core';
    • Most methods of QueryRef forward types from @apollo/client. That should allow always using
      correct types from whichever @apollo/client version is installed without needing to touch
    • QueryRef.valueChanges and QueryRef.queryId are readonly, because there is no reason for
      those to be re-affected.

Patch Changes

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