github kadena-io/chainweb-node 2.9
Chainweb Mainnet 2.9

latest releases: 2.28, 2.27, 2.26.1...
3 years ago

This version replaces all previous versions. Any prior version will stop working
on 2021-08-19T00:00:00Z. Node administrators must upgrade to this version
before that date.

This version will stop working on 2021-10-14T00:00:00Z.


This is a maintenance release without breaking changes.

  • is used as default P2P host address, which enables auto-detection of
    the IP address of the node. (#1245)
  • Build and link Pact without CLI tools support. (#1246)
  • Limit batch size of payload REST API requests 1000 items. (#1258)
  • Removed several external dependencies from the code base.

SHA256 Hashes

5597fb2af2f7620720f906f6e4ab55d55a88b23c6a9e305338604a8db9ed5889  chainweb-2.9.ghc-8.10.5.ubuntu-18.04.1cf40e7.tar.gz
f4b11e37efdce74e0d3592599ab07f3798950c032e6f2039e406dab463a32606  chainweb-2.9.ghc-8.10.5.ubuntu-20.04.1cf40e7.tar.gz
da1c0220afe0e1460ae69c4a6d0edc0b14bfec328699fe87a66e038f218c546a  chainweb-2.9.ghc-9.0.1.macOS-latest.1cf40e7.tar.gz

Nix store paths:

Linux: /nix/store/chsi88dh9nprqhzqr355h88i9hdsacij-chainweb-2.9
Mac: /nix/store/mb1ik17jgrvmxifwbwx0bsky7ricqkn5-chainweb-2.9


End-user image: docker pull kadena/chainweb-node:2.9
Binary-only Ubuntu-20.04: docker pull
Binary-only Alpine: docker pull

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