github kadena-io/chainweb-node 2.25.1

latest releases: 2.26.1, 2.26
3 months ago

This is a minor point release. Upgrading is strongly recommended.

To upgrade, pull the latest docker image, or download the binary and
restart the node with the same configuration file as before.


  • Disable the unused p2p payload batch endpoint. 34df7ad

Official release:

For full details refer to the Changelog

Container Images:

  • End-user image
    Image Digest: [kadena/chainweb-node@sha256:207ce283400c55d4bee6a0733d0a536a31d8243b76c14a1d11ab75a858056a47]
docker pull kadena/chainweb-node:2.25.1
  • Binary-only Ubuntu-20.04
    Image Digest: []
docker pull

Ubuntu Binaries:

SHA256 Hashes

7c4c05a5ce538b7f182afd2d3c796ca84ea0f03a15b6f04f01909920139a2ba6  chainweb-2.25.1.ghc-9.6.5.ubuntu-22.04.14ca523.tar.gz
2e082af821bec43df3088fa81858e49da4bc5c8f039c055d0d2f159c81d358a5  chainweb-2.25.1.ghc-9.6.5.ubuntu-20.04.14ca523.tar.gz

The following dependencies must be installed on the system:

  • ubuntu-22.04:
    apt-get install ca-certificates libgmp10 libssl3 libsnappy1v5 zlib1g liblz4-1 libbz2-1.0 libgflags2.2 zstd
  • ubuntu-20.04:
    apt-get install ca-certificates libgmp10 libssl1.1 libsnappy1v5 zlib1g liblz4-1 libbz2-1.0 libgflags2.2 zstd

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