This version replaces all previous versions. Any prior version will stop working on 2023-12-13T:00:00Z. Node administrators must upgrade to this version before that date. The 2.22 feature upgrade will occur at block height 4335753 on all chains, estimated to be mined at 2023-12-14T00:00:00Z. Note again that any prior version will shut down one day before this.
This version will expire on 2024-03-06T:00:00Z.
To upgrade, pull the latest docker image or download the binary and restart the node.
- Updated to Pact 4.10 (numerous, see Pact
changelog) - Node support for webauthn signers, scoped signatures, and webauthn keyset formats in Pact (#1779)
- Block endpoint added to Service API (#1720)
- Fix batch /polling so that it no longer omits results (#1775)
- Add block header to validation failure message (#1752)
- Halt block fill algorithm constructively if we exceeded the tx fetch limit (#1762)
- Be more careful not to write the results of invalid blocks to the pact state (#1740)
- Fix Mac M2 compatibility with older blocks (#1782)
Internal Changes:
Official release:
For full details refer to the Changelog
Container Images:
- End-user image
Image Digest:[kadena/chainweb-node@sha256:338dad325c9ab000e08e12fc2d277bfdf078299c1961b8c3d6fa3bab1f1bf320]
docker pull kadena/chainweb-node:2.22
- Binary-only Ubuntu-20.04
Image Digest:[]
docker pull
Ubuntu Binaries:
SHA256 Hashes
fd3afaf5dc017ecc1b9346479aae152f00aa3b82145ab2366c9a15038240de91 chainweb-2.22.ghc-9.6.3.ubuntu-22.04.b205880.tar.gz
f517365214814548aca50612fb0d45327ac6be78d53d6b2f352a714c8a5e4001 chainweb-2.22.ghc-9.6.3.ubuntu-20.04.b205880.tar.gz
The following dependencies must be installed on the system:
- ubuntu-22.04:
apt-get install ca-certificates libgmp10 libssl3 libsnappy1v5 zlib1g liblz4-1 libbz2-1.0 libgflags2.2 zstd
- ubuntu-20.04:
apt-get install ca-certificates libgmp10 libssl1.1 libsnappy1v5 zlib1g liblz4-1 libbz2-1.0 libgflags2.2 zstd