github kadena-io/chainweb-node 2.14
Chainweb Mainnet 2.14

latest releases: 2.26.1, 2.26, 2.25.1...
2 years ago

This version replaces all previous versions. Any prior version will stop working
on 2022-04-21T00:00:00Z. Node administrators must upgrade to this version
before that date.

This version will stop working on 2022-06-16T00:00:00Z.

To upgrade, pull the latest docker image or download the binary and restart the node.


  • Improve Mempool to fill blocks more efficiently (#1399)

  • Pact Changes (#1382, #1396, #1397, #1399, #1407, #1409,#1410, #1413, #1414, #1417):

    • Gas changes for integer and decimal operations.
    • NaN and +/- Infinity throw errors now.
    • Several other nonsensical arithmetic expressions and operations throw
      errors now.
    • Support of nested Defpacts and native continue.
    • New natives create-principal and validate-principal
    • Add support for principalsr:, m:, u:, p:, and w: in coin.
    • Addition of fungible-xchain-v1 interface, which provides a
      TRANSFER_XCHAIN managed capability.
    • Implement fungible-xchain-v1 in coin.
    • Miscellaneous bug fixes
    • Various performance improvements, in particular for deeply nested
      function calls.

SHA256 Hashes

0e038baef8413bc7a97baf44e8cec4c5ff05bc9b8362bd34f1cd860aa3cc4529  chainweb-2.14.ghc-8.10.7.ubuntu-18.04.40d848f.tar.gz
98bd6b772c3831b743ba6ebe6f9e7c4c69ac7707b63a2d4adaf063b860a882d1  chainweb-2.14.ghc-8.10.7.ubuntu-20.04.40d848f.tar.gz


End-user image: docker pull kadena/chainweb-node:2.14
Binary-only Ubuntu-20.04: docker pull

Nix Store Paths:

Linux: /nix/store/ndc8myi00jfw540m7d08s7wwsgi0zinh-chainweb-2.14

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