v0.7.5 (2021-02-24)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- k8gb crashes on malformed spec section in
custom resource #296
Merged pull requests:
- Release v0.7.5 preparation #318 (somaritane)
- Use SetAnnotation helper #314 (k0da)
- Validate spec.ingress.http.path #313 (k0da)
- Infoblox, heavy load fixed #312 (kuritka)
- Sort externalTargets queried from DNS #311 (k0da)
- Bump k8s.io/client-go group from 0.20.3 to 0.20.4 #310 (kuritka)
- group version bump #306 (kuritka)
- Fail on config error #302 (kuritka)
- bump k3d-action to v 1.2.0 #295 (kuritka)
- Switch to coredns with DNSendpoint plugin #292 (k0da)
- Additional chart tweaks for ArtifactHub #291 (somaritane)
- Trying to please ArtifactHub markdown render #290 (somaritane)
- Add artifact hub badge #288 (ytsarev)
- README: Replaced screenshot with code excerpt #287 (somaritane)
- Offline v0.7.4 release notes #285 (ytsarev)