github k3s-io/k3s v1.20.0+k3s2

latest releases: v1.32.2-rc3+k3s1, v1.31.6-rc3+k3s1, v1.32.2-rc2+k3s1...
4 years ago

This release is the first in the K3s v1.20 line. It upgrades to Kubernetes version v1.20.0. If you are coming from v1.19 or earlier, it is recommended that you read the Urgent Upgrade Notes.

Major changes from K3s 1.19 include:

  • CoreDNS has been bumped to v1.8.0 (#2726)
  • Node passwords are now cleaned up when nodes are deleted from the cluster (#2407)
  • The --data-dir flag no longer leaves some files in /var/lib/rancher/k3s (#2475 #2496)
  • Pods for packaged components (CoreDNS, Traefik, Metrics-server, Local-storage) now have critical Priority Classes, which should prevent them from being evicted under load (#2558 @transhapHigsn)
  • Rootless support has been improved (#2586 #2595 @AkihiroSuda)
  • k3s --version now includes the golang version it was compiled with (#2621)
  • Several harmless warnings and errors should no longer be seen in the logs (#2475)

With this release, the following versions are latest and stable. For more information on what this means, review our release channel documentation.

Channel K3s Version Quick Install Command
Latest v1.20.0+k3s2 curl -sfL | INSTALL_K3S_CHANNEL=latest sh -
Stable v1.19.5+k3s2 curl -sfL | sh -

Embedded Component Versions

Component Version
Kubernetes v1.20.0
Kine v0.6.0
SQLite 3.33.0
Etcd v3.4.13-k3s1
Containerd v1.4.3-k3s1
Flannel v0.12.0-k3s1
Metrics-server v0.3.6
Traefik v1.7.19
CoreDNS v1.8.0
Helm-controller v0.8.0
Local-path-provisioner v0.0.14

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