github k3d-io/k3d v4.4.6

latest releases: v5.6.3, v5.6.2, v5.6.1...
2 years ago



  • fix an issue where the cluster creation would stall waiting for the starting worker processes log message from the loadbalancer/serverlb
    • this was likely caused by a rounding issue when asking docker to get the container logs starting at a specific timestamp
    • we now drop subsecond precision for this to avoid the rounding issue, which was confirmed to work
    • see issues #592 & #621


  • to debug the issue mentioned above, we introduced a new environment variable K3D_LOG_NODE_WAIT_LOGS, which can be set to a list of node roles (e.g. K3D_LOG_NODE_WAIT_LOGS=loadbalancer,agent) to output the container logs that k3d inspects

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