github jwtk/jjwt 0.12.2

latest releases: 0.12.6, 0.12.5, 0.12.4...
8 months ago

This is a follow-up release to finalize the work in 0.12.1 that tried to fix a reflection scope problem
on >= JDK 17. The 0.12.1 fix worked, but only if the importing project or application did not have its own file.

This release removes that reflection code entirely in favor of a JJWT-native implementation, eliminating JPMS
module (scope) problems on >= JDK 17. As such, --add-opens flags are no longer required to use JJWT.

The fix has been tested up through JDK 21 in a separate application environment (out of JJWT's codebase) to assert
expected functionality in a 'clean room' environment in a project both with and without usage.

Notes are in the CHANGELOG, and project documentation is in the README.

Please allow 30 minutes from the time this announcement is published for the release to be available in Maven Central.

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