github jwt-scala/jwt-scala v0.5.0

latest releases: v10.0.0, v9.4.6, v9.4.5...
8 years ago

Circe support

Thanks to @dwhitney , JWT Scala now has support for Circe. Check out samples and Scaladoc.

Disable validation

When decoding, JWT Scala also performs validation. If you need to decode an invalid token, you can now use a JwtOptions as the last argument of any decoding function to disable validation checks like expiration, notBefore and signature. Read the Options section of the core sample to know more.

Fix null session in Play 2.4

Since 2.4, Play assign null as default value for some configuration keys which throw a ConfigException.Null in TypeSafe config lib. This should be fixed with the new configuration system at some point in the future. In the mean time, all calls reading the configuration will be wrapped in a try/catch to prevent that.

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