github jvde-github/AIS-catcher v0.56

latest releases: v0.61, v0.60, v0.59...
13 months ago
  • small performance improvements in map rendering
  • You can access geoJSON output of the current ship positions by visiting the web viewer at /geojson and for KML output, please navigate to /kml (enable with the
    switches -N geojson on and -N kml on). The KML feature facilitates the visualization of ship positions in Google Earth Pro. Be sure to add a network link and configure the auto-refresh rate in GE. A demonstration of the use of GeoJSON is plotting the vessels on the tar1090 map.
  • Bug fix in setting baud rate for serial devices
  • Experimentation mode for NMEA2000 via socketCAN on Linux. See documentation below.
  • Speed (moving/stationary) and Ship class now included as labels in Prometheus output
  • Map overlays will be stored as part of the settings, so wil automatically reopen when the browser is refreshed (separate storage for day and night mode)
  • Ship icon that unlocks the side table is now always visible. For narrow screens (<800px) the button will open the separate tab with the ship list
  • Pyssel blog post describes procedure to show offline mbtiles maps here

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