github jvde-github/AIS-catcher v0.55

latest releases: v0.61, v0.60, v0.59...
14 months ago

v0.55 is the latest version and introduces the following:

  • "Show all track" option and setting to dim maps
  • Added NOAA nautical charts as an overlay (link). These maps and the applications are not suitable for navigation (just to reiterate that).
  • I created and started sharing data from my own station here. The site also contains links to several
    dashboards for stations running AIS-catcher and links to interesting (open-source) projects related to AIS and AIS-catcher.
  • If you want a persistent dashboard available outside the local network, please reach out (jvde.github at and I will add it to It requires a UDP stream from AIS-catcher, station name and, optionally, a rough approximation for the station location. Data is not aggregated and forwarded.
  • Addition of option -N CONTEXT yyyy which will store the settings in the web browser in yyyy. This will allow to separate setting storage when running multiple web clients.
  • GPS information (e.g. via serial -e ... or gpsd -t gpsd ...) is now included in HTTP client push
  • Introducing data feeds with user ID to reduce security issues with data feeds, -u x.x.x.x y UUID u. For future versions we are exploring adding HMAC authentication.

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