github jvde-github/AIS-catcher v0.54

latest releases: v0.60, v0.59, v0.58...
12 months ago

v0.54 is the latest version and adds:

  • A "Settings Menu" providing access to additional (styling) options for the webclient:

  • Option to change the displayed units in the settings menu (metric system, imperial system and AIS native units)

  • Functionality to plot a list of all vessels on top of the map. This will only be visible for larger screens (click on ship icon on top right map)

  • retires the Curl library for HTTP message sending and directly uses a built-in TCP client leveraging openssl where needed for secure servers. This means that if you want to send data to a secure server, you have to build with the ssl development libraries:

sudo apt install libssl-dev

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