github jvde-github/AIS-catcher v0.51b

latest releases: v0.61, v0.60, v0.59...
18 months ago
  • Creation of an Edge Release where latest Windows binaries are stored: HERE
  • Addition of an offline webclient version. This should run as usual but offline map tiles are not stored so that might work only depending what is in the cache. Graphs and tables work. To run, first go to your home directory (say /home/jasper) and clone the necessary web assets:
git clone

Next run AIS-catcher with the CDN argument to point the webserver to the created directory with web content:

AIS-catcher -x 4002 -N 8100 CDN /home/jasper/webassets
  • In case running with multiple dongles, the shipcard in the webclient now shows source (i.e. the SDR) of the last signal displayed. Also it will list all receivers that have received a message from the MMSI.
  • Increased the default RTL-SDR buffer, so running on a RPI Zero W only requires activating fast downsampling -F.
  • Option -ge print on to dump raw input from serial device to screen
  • Bug fix in reading from certain serial devices on Windows
  • Bug fix in properly closing when reading from TCP connection e.g. RTL-TCP
  • Fix to internal webserver to avoid one client blocking the server when sending
  • Accept VDO messages for NMEA input (-go VDO on/off)
  • New options -N use_gps on/off and -N own_mmsi xxxxx added. The former toggles the use of GPS NMEA input as location for the receiver station (default is on). The latter sets the station's location as the location of the vessel with the specified MMSI. The own mmsi will be highlighted.
  • Fix inclusion of libzmq in Windows auto builds
  • TCP listener for NMEA output, e.g. for port 5011 run with -S 5011. AIS-catcher can read from this TCP server at address raspberrypi, e.g. like:
AIS-catcher -t txt raspberrypi 5011

or use the tcp_listener keyword in the JSON configuration.

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