github jvde-github/AIS-catcher v0.40b

latest releases: v0.61, v0.60, v0.59...
2 years ago
  • Smaller bug fixes (mainly on HTTP posting) and compilation issues with older GCC versions
  • Addition of country field to JSON output (mapped from MMSI code), switch on with -M M.
  • AIS-catcher can decode NMEA lines. Not very useful but it provides a way to move the JSON analysis to the server side (send over NMEA and minimal meta data) or unit test the JSON decoder which is the prime reason for the feature. Use the model -m 5, e.g.:
echo '!AIVDM,1,1,,B,3776k`5000a3SLPEKnDQQWpH0000,0*78'  | AIS-catcher -m 5 -r . -o 5

which produces


Which can be compared for example against the output of gpsdecode:

echo '!AIVDM,1,1,,B,3776k`5000a3SLPEKnDQQWpH0000,0*78' | gpsdecode

which produces:


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