Changelogs: v0.5 -> v0.6
- Standard auth depreciated, use zeroconf for new sessions.
- Fixed lyric fetch api.
- Added dark mode.
- Mirror account playback through api if unable to find desktop app.
- Launch without terminal on windows builds.
- Fix fetching songs with an empty genre.
- Launch without terminal on windows builds.
- Move sessions to .config to respect xdg spec.
- Added support for building on Gentoo via ebuild.
- Added support for AppImage.
- Minor UI improvements and bug fixes.
File Checksum ( MD5 )
Filename | Checksum |
OnTheSpot-0.6-x86_64.AppImage | 9703975b3d570f44100b2efaa93ab22c |
OnTheSpot-0.6-x86_64.dmg | 122d9305e15ea43808b8d11e54f5b1bb |
OnTheSpot-0.6-x86_64.exe | 257e54997881a3d3965f3270f91442a0 |
OnTheSpot-0.6-x86_64.tar.gz | 081d845c67b614a6168ffa9ca8d2d7bd |