Thanks once again to @jdpurcell for amazing work on this release.
New Features:
- Add "Reload File" action.
- Add "Delete Permanently" action to bypass trash.
- Add "Skip hidden files" option.
- File load errors are displayed in the viewport rather than as a modal dialog.
- Automatic dark mode in Windows 11.
- Automatically detect precision touchpad devices (Qt >= 6.0.0)
- Fix crashes on exit on macOS.
- Fix crash when loading images in Windows with certain display ICC profiles.
- Fix inability to load certain files due to misdetected format.
- Fix issue in Windows multi-display setups where only the default display's ICC profile was used.
- Fix incorrect colors when viewing CMYK images.
- Fix not ignoring macOS metadata (._) files.
Distribution changes:
- Update image format plugins; adds support for .qoi, .dds, .pfm, .pxr, and .sct images.
- Update Qt to 6.8.2 on Windows/macOS.
- Add ARM64 build for Windows.