github jupyter-book/jupyter-book v0.7.0

latest releases: v2.0.0a1, v2.0.0a0, v1.0.3...
4 years ago

This is a total re-write of the back-end of Jupyter Book, which is now built on Sphinx. See
the Jupyter Book wiki for an upgrade guide, and the jupyterbook docs for information about the new jupyter book.


(full changelog)

Merged PRs

Contributors to this release

(GitHub contributors page for this release)

@AakashGfude | @akhmerov | @alejandroschuler | @amueller | @asteppke | @betatim | @boazbk | @choldgraf | @chrisjsewell | @consideRatio | @cpjobling | @Cyb3rWard0g | @dafriedman97 | @DavidPowell | @dhruvbalwada | @emdupre | @epacuit | @firasm | @flying-sheep | @gharp | @goanpeca | @grst | @jasmainak | @jgm | @jmason86 | @joergbrech | @johngage | @jpivarski | @jstac | @kyleniemeyer | @malvikasharan | @MasterScrat | @mathieuboudreau | @matteoacrossi | @mgeier | @mmcky | @mwcraig | @najuzilu | @NatalieThurlby | @ofajardo | @oscarys | @parmentelat | @peaceiris | @pgadige | @phaustin | @prabhasyadav | @psychemedia | @Racooneer | @rahuldave | @rossbar | @roualdes | @saulomaia | @xldrkp | @yuvipanda

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