github junegunn/fzf v0.56.0

15 hours ago
  • Added --gap[=N] option to display empty lines between items.
    • This can be useful to visually separate adjacent multi-line items.
      # All bash functions, highlighted
      declare -f | perl -0777 -pe 's/^}\n/}\0/gm' |
        bat --plain --language bash --color always |
        fzf --read0 --ansi --reverse --multi --highlight-line --gap
    • Or just to make the list easier to read. For single-line items, you probably want to set --color gutter:-1 as well to hide the gutter.
      fzf --info inline-right --gap --color gutter:-1
  • Added noinfo option to --preview-window to hide the scroll indicator in the preview window
  • Bug fixes

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