github junegunn/fzf 0.32.1

latest releases: v0.56.0, v0.55.0, v0.54.3...
2 years ago
  • Fixed incorrect ordering of --tiebreak=chunk
  • fzf-tmux will show fzf border instead of tmux popup border (requires tmux 3.3)
    fzf-tmux -p70%
    fzf-tmux -p70% --color=border:bright-red
    fzf-tmux -p100%,60% --color=border:bright-yellow --border=horizontal --padding 1,5 --margin 1,0
    fzf-tmux -p70%,100% --color=border:bright-green --border=vertical
    # Key bindings (CTRL-T, CTRL-R, ALT-C) will use these options
    export FZF_TMUX_OPTS='-p100%,60% --color=border:green --border=horizontal --padding 1,5 --margin 1,0'

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