Major Changes
- There is a new plugin for displaying instructions to subjects. The plugin allows subjects to navigate forward and backward through multi-page instructions, using the keyboard or a mouse.
- Data can now be appended to multiple trials at the chunk level
- The on_finish parameter for trials now receives data from the trial as a parameter
- Two methods added for navigating through the experiment: endExperiment ends an experiment immediately; endCurrentChunk ends the current chunk immediately.
- Additional documentation added about data parameters, creating a new plugin, and default data collected by plugins
- New method allows for data to be added to all trials, such as a subject ID or condition assignment.
- New method to get data from a particular trial by trial index.
- Internal handling of data and timing_post_trial parameters has been centralized, so plugin development no longer needs to worry about implementing those parameters.
Minor Changes
- pluginAPI.normalizeTrialVariables renamed to pluginAPI.evaluateFunctionParameters
- rt value in single-audio plugin is now reported in ms instead of seconds.
- multiple uses of the same audio file will no longer cause the audio file to be loaded multiple times.
- bug in which localSave method didn't work with JSON formatted data is fixed
- More informative error messages for some common mistakes
- continue_after_response parameter has been renamed to response_ends_trial in all plugins that use it