github jspsych/jsPsych @jspsych/config@1.3.0

latest releases: @jspsych/plugin-video-button-response@1.2.0, @jspsych/plugin-image-button-response@1.2.0, @jspsych/plugin-html-button-response@1.2.0...
2 years ago

Minor Changes

  • 3463e977 Thanks @becky-gilbert! - Add the updatePluginVersions gulp task. This task looks at each of the docs/plugins markdown files, finds the page title and "Current version" string, adds the current version number (from the package.json file), and uses the package name as the page title.

Patch Changes

  • #2631 e77371e9 Thanks @bjoluc! - Update dependencies, including Jest v27 to v28. The changelogs have been carefully checked and no breaking changes are to be expected in packages using @jspsych/config. Check out the Jest 28 blog post for a summary of the changes in Jest.

  • #2632 a17f423f Thanks @bjoluc! - Apply Babel Rollup plugin to .ts files in the index.browser.min.js build. It was erroneously ignoring transpiled .ts files before.

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