github jshint/jshint 2.7.0
JSHint 2.7.0

latest releases: 2.13.6, 2.13.5, 2.13.4...
9 years ago
Commit Message/Description
9feab2c v2.7.0
928f19d Add more tests for extends config option
2fc1e23 Replace underscore with lodash
29b5a7e Extends overrides section of base config
63d9a46 [[CHORE]] Nit picking the quotes
757fb73 [[FIX]] emit I003 more carefully and less annoyingly
4973ab7 Added xdescribe to list of jasmine vars
2ad235c [[FIX]] Accept get and set as ID properties
3be589a Add missing options for unused
64f85f3 [[FIX]] Prevent incorrect warnings for relations
896bf82 [[FIX]] Relax restrictions on singleGroups
0eeba14 [[FIX]] default to empty string in src/cli.js loadIgnores
b804e65 [[FIX]] Incorrect 'Unclosed string' when the closing quote is the first character after a newline
3e79b4e [[DOC]] Added more consistency among options file and config example
12811e7 [[TEST]] also test uninitialized var/let/const exports
3ce1267 [[FIX]] export all names for var/let/const declarations
231557a [[FIX]] predefine HTMLTemplateElement in browser
f52da98 fixup! Document legacy values for typeof
81f1690 fixup! Remove duplicate value
46f9ba4 [[Fix]] Only accept "symbol" as a type in ES6 envs
7f7aac2 [[FIX]] allow typeof symbol === "symbol"
92e1a60 Lint more stuff.
448a6f2 Fix issue #1825: use of ! with instanceof should require parentheses
27e957c Update README
59396f7 [[FEAT]] add varstmt enforcement option to disallow use of VariableStatements
011364e [[FIX]] Correctly enforce maxparams:0
a8cfae6 [[DOCS]] add [[CHORE]] commit tag for dev-ops/CI/dependencies commits
6f83a1a [[CHORE]] update dependencies
96a97d0 [[TEST]] improve test coverage for lone/extra rest operators
dd08f85 [[FIX]] disallow 'lone' rest operator in identifier()
3477933 [[FIX]] allow trailing comma in ArrayBindingPattern
162dee6 [[FIX]] templates are operands, not operators
cfd2e0b [[FIX]] Make let variables in the closure shadow predefs

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