github jqnatividad/qsv 0.46.1

latest releases: 0.128.0, 0.127.0, 0.126.0...
2 years ago


  • extsort: increased performance. Use 10% of total memory or if total mem is not detectable, 100 mb for in-mem sorting. Increased R/W buffer size to 1mb e2f013f
  • searchset: more idiomatic rust fa1f340
  • added "Nightly Release Builds" section in README Performance Tuning
  • cargo update bump several dependencies


  • excel: fixed off by +1 row count (we were counting the header as well); added column count to final message and removed useless human-readable option. c99df253
  • fixed various bugs in Publish Nightly GitHub Action that automatically built nightly binaries on release

Full Changelog: 0.46.0...0.46.1

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