- easywall is now also available as installable Debian package
- easywall is now also available on pypi and can be installed over it
- Massive improvement of GitHub workflows
- Improve automated testing through GitHub workflows
- There is now an FAQ documentation, which will be filled with time
- The web server now sends headers to harden the application such as no permission for frames
- 403 Error page added and web errors generally improved
- The web configuration is now also checked for missing entries
- flask-ipban dependency added
- pypi package information improved and completed
- Unit Tests significantly improved and the tools for Core and Web Tests combined
- After 10 incorrect login attempts on the web interface by default, the attacker address is blocked
- The log settings were moved to a separate configuration file "log.ini" in the "config" folder
- The SSL settings were hardened - only current browsers can be used
- The easywall_web folder was moved to the easywall folder as "easywall/web