github jpsim/SourceKitten 0.15.0
0.15.0: Linux Litter

latest releases: 0.34.1, 0.34.0, 0.33.1...
7 years ago

This is the first release of SourceKitten to support Linux, Swift 3 and CocoaPods! 🎉

kind of a big deal

  • SourceKitten now requires Xcode 8.0 and Swift 3.0 to build.
    APIs have been adapted to conform to the Swift 3 API Design Guidelines.
    JP Simard
    Norio Nomura
  • Add --spm-module [ModuleName] flag to complete to automatically detect
    compiler flags for Swift Package Manager modules. swift build must be run
    prior to support detection.
  • Now builds and passes most tests on Linux using the Swift Package Manager with
    Swift 3.0. This requires to be built and located in
    /usr/lib, or in another location specified by the LINUX_SOURCEKIT_LIB_PATH
    environment variable. A preconfigured Docker image is available on Docker Hub
    by the ID of norionomura/sourcekit:30.
    JP Simard
    Norio Nomura
  • Now supports Swift Package Manager on macOS and Linux.
    JP Simard
  • Now supports docinfo requests for sourcetext and module keys.
    Erik Abair
  • Now supports Objective-C class properties.
    Jérémie Girault
    JP Simard
  • Add podspec to support using SourceKittenFramework with CocoaPods.
    JP Simard
Bug Fixes
  • NSString.lines() generated surplus line when string ended with newline
    Norio Nomura

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