JPPF makes it easy to parallelize computationally intensive tasks and execute them on a Grid
JPPF 6.2 beta new features highlights
Major refactoring of the management and monitoring MBeans
- the node forwarding MBean now provides compile-time typing of the results
- all built-in MBeans are annotated with metadata available at runtime
- the same metadata is used to generate static forwarding proxies (and their unit tests) for the built-in node MBeans
- the MBeans metadata is also used to generate the built-in MBeans reference documentation
- the management and monitoring documentation was refactored for greater clarity and readability
Administration and monitoring console improvements
- numerous performance hotspots were identified and fixed, both in the monitoring API and in the UI rendering code
- for license compatibility reasons, the JFreeChart charting library was replaced with XCharts, resulting in further performance improvements
Performance improvements in the driver and JMX remote connector
Several performance sinks were identified and fixed, in high stress scenarios where a very large number of job lifecyclle notifications were generated, causing high spikes in CPU and memory usage.
All implemented issues
- JPPF-607 Reorganize the documentation on management and monitoring
- JPPF-608 Typed results map for JPPFNodeForwardingMBean methods
- JPPF-610 Add an API to instrospect the properties defined in the monitoring data providers
- JPPF-611 Document the values limits and validity in the constructors of JPPFSchedule
Bug fixes
- JPPF-605 Investigate the performance of the monitoring APIs and administration console
- JPPF-612 JMX remote connector: poor handling of large number of notifications
Previous JPPF 6.2 release announcements: JPPF 6.2 alpha, JPPF 6.2 alpha 2
JPPF Links: Web Site - Downloads - Documentation - User forums - Issue tracker