github joshmedeski/sesh v2.8.0

2 days ago

Preview support for sesh is here! 🖼️ 🎉

Thanks to @danitrap for contributing (#203)


How to use

You can add --preview 'sesh preview {}' to your fzf configuration:

bind-key "T" run-shell "sesh connect \"$(
  sesh list --icons | fzf-tmux -p 80%,70% \
    --preview 'sesh preview {}'

The full fzf example can be seen on the project's

How to configure

You can also customize the preview behavior by adding preview_command to your configurations. For example, you may want to list a directories files with eza or preview a file with bat.

preview_command = "lsd  --group-dirs first -A {path_to_directory}"

name = "tmux config"
path = "~/c/dotfiles/.config/tmux"
startup_command = "nvim tmux.conf"
preview_command = "bat ~/c/dotfiles/.config/tmux/tmux.conf"

Please test it out and let me know how you like it! Please submit an issue if you run into any issues.

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