github joncampbell123/dosbox-x DOSBox-X-windows-7fcea596b7ee479e4e715ad01085d029fb236582

Configurable IO and VGA memory delay for older code written for slow hardware.
Alternate "slow" VGA memory I/O for programs that use graphics controller bitmasks and ROPs in 320x200x256 mode (fixes "Legend" demo).
Tweaks to timing code, which seems to fix VGA raster fx errors in "Majic 12 Show" demo. Also allows Crystal Dream II to time the display properly if core=normal, no more flickering.
PIC dispatch bug fixes. Prior to the bugfix there were corner cases where IRQs would get stuck because of how DOSBox handled a global "PIC check IRQ" flag in response to raising/lowering IRQs and processing an IRQ. Some demos and games prior to the bugfix had problems with music "getting stuck" or Sound Blaster output abruptly stopping.

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