github jokob-sk/NetAlertX v24.6.8
v24.6.8 - πŸ”„ Sync Hub, πŸ”ŒPlugins Unloading, πŸ”” UI Notifications

18 days ago

Alright, let's see how many bugs I missed. This is a big release 🎁

This month's NetAlertX release includes three big new features: In-app user notifications, Plugin unloading with the LOADED_PLUGINS setting (making the app much faster), and a new Sync Hub (πŸ§ͺ) plugin. This will enable you to synchronize data from otherwise unscannable LANs/VLANs into one NetAlertX instance. Read the guide here.

Also, you can now get Reconnected devices notifications πŸ“Ά of devices that trigger down alerts.

Thank you to everyone in the community helping with this release, especially @vladaurosh πŸ™ who helped me keep the docker image small even with the need for some of the cryptography libraries for the new functionality.

I also scored the @NetAlertX Twitter handle, let's see if I'll use it πŸ˜…

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🏘️ Community

πŸ“šDocs updates


  • You can now load new or unload unneeded plugins to speed up the application via the LOADED_PLUGINS setting (πŸ†•) #669
  • Further Settings screen optimization to prevent incorrect loads/setting saves (πŸš‘)


  • A new SYNC plugin allowing you to synchronize multiple instances into one central location (πŸ†•)
  • The INTRNT plugin now has a default 3-retry policy adjustable with the INTRNT_RETRIES setting to minimize false internet down reports (πŸ†•) #667
  • The newly added MQTT setting MQTT_PRESENCE_SENSOR_TYPE was breaking the notifications (πŸš‘) #664
  • MQTT messages now contain the First/Last session per device (πŸ†•) #697


  • A DB-locked icon will be displayed in the Header when the app can't write to the DB (πŸ†•) #685
  • In-app Notification log (πŸ†•)

πŸ’ Core app updates

Internal changes affecting the whole app and usually significant to developers πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»

Other Info

πŸ†• - New features πŸš‘ - Fixes & Improvements ⚠ - Possibly breaking changes πŸ§ͺ - Experimental/work in progress

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v24.5.9...v24.6.8

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