github jokob-sk/NetAlertX v23.9.11
🩹Hotfix: PiHole, Reverse proxy, DHCP leases, German language

latest releases: v24.6.8, v24.5.9, v24.4.17...
9 months ago
  • Invalid de_de.json breaks German translation #419 fixed by 🙏@cvc90
  • Incorrect API path in initDeviceListAll_JSON breaks proxied setups fixed by 🙏@cvc90
  • PiHole dhcp.leases files were not processed #420
  • PiHole scan has incorrect SQL query #418 (the below has to be only done if you saved your settings on the 23.9.10 version)
    • Fix: remove the PIHOLE_CMD setting from your pialert.conf file or replace the value in the Settings page with SELECT n.hwaddr AS Object_PrimaryID, {s-quote}null{s-quote} AS Object_SecondaryID, datetime() AS DateTime, na.ip AS Watched_Value1, n.lastQuery AS Watched_Value2, AS Watched_Value3, n.macVendor AS Watched_Value4, {s-quote}null{s-quote} AS Extra, n.hwaddr AS ForeignKey FROM EXTERNAL_PIHOLE.Network AS n LEFT JOIN EXTERNAL_PIHOLE.Network_Addresses AS na ON na.network_id = WHERE n.hwaddr NOT LIKE {s-quote}ip-%{s-quote} AND n.hwaddr <> {s-quote}00:00:00:00:00:00{s-quote};

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