github johnste/finicky v2.0-rc.0
Finicky 2 RC 0

latest releases: v3.4.0, v3.3.1, v3.3.0...
pre-release5 years ago

This is the first release candidate of Finicky 2. I've taken great care and have spent a lot of time trying to find issues and bugs, but it's certainly possible there are potential issues in this release. If you find any bugs, missing documentation or unexpected behaviour, please file an issue

Download here


Note for users of Finicky 0.5

A few features from Finicky 0.5 have not been implemented in this release:

  • Opening a url in based on a list of already started browsers.
  • Modifier keys (shift, cmd, etc) are not supplied to the match functions.

If you miss these and think they should be available in Finicky 2, please file a feature request!

Screenshot of the console

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