github johnrengelman/shadow 4.0.0

latest releases: 8.1.1, 8.1.0, 8.0.0...
5 years ago
  • Breaking Change! Restrict Plugin to Gradle 4.0+. Shadow major versions will align with Gradle major versions going forward.
  • Breaking Change! For clarity purposes com.github.johnrengelman.plugin-shadow has been removed. If you intend to use this feature, you will need to declare your own ConfigureShadowRelocation task. See section 2.9.2 of the User Guide
  • Sergey Tselovalnikov - Upgrade to ASM 6.2.1 to support Java 11
  • Chris Cowan - Add support for shadowJar.preserveFileTimestamps property. See Jar.preserveFileTimestamps
  • Paul N. Baker - Add Log4j2PluginsCacheFileTransformer to process Log4j DAT files during merge.
  • Felipe Lima - Fix the long standing "No property mainClassName" issue.
  • debanne - Implement JAR minimization actions. This will attempt to exclude unused classes in your shadowed JAR.
  • Configure exclusion of module-info.class from shadowJar when using the Shadow the Java plugin, #352

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