- Encrypted CBZ archives (#846) (@Shamicen)
- Update dependency to v21.2.2 (#9344) (@renovate[bot])
- Update dependency gradle to v8.1 (#9345) (@renovate[bot])
- Upgrade to AGP 8.0.0 (#9351) (@arkon)
- Add more info to debug screen (#9357) (@ivaniskandar)
- Remove abstract TabeedBottomSheetDialog class (@arkon)
- Bump dependencies (@arkon)
- Bump dependencies (@arkon)
- Fallback chapter name if it ends up as blank (#9220) (@Hipp0x)
- Minor JavaDoc updates (@arkon)
- Consolidate missing chapters functions to domain module and add tests (@arkon)
- Update dependency gradle to v8.1.1 (#9376) (@renovate[bot])
- Use Compose for reader transition chapter info (#9373) (@arkon)
- Hide beta split tall images setting from reader setting sheet for release builds (@arkon)
- Fix missing type info in release builds (@arkon)
- Fix missing type info in release builds (@arkon)
- Update dependency io.github.fornewid:material-motion-compose-core to v0.11.3 (#9379) (@renovate[bot])
- Minor cleanup (@arkon)
- Make loader implementation classes internal (@arkon)
- Maybe fix Firebase crashes (@arkon)
- Load ZIP file contents to cache (#9381) (@arkon)
- Fix misused string key in library context menu (#9388) (@T3sT3ro)
- Add swipe actions for chapters (#9304) (@d-najd)
- Double tap zoom toggle (#9384) (@Flat)
- Handle archives with nested directories properly (@arkon)
- Reword chapter swipe action preference labels (@arkon)
- Minor cleanup (@arkon)
- Add interval data layer (#9398) (@quangkieu)
- Consolidate exception message formatting (@arkon)
- Fix disable source option not appearing (@arkon)
- Remove "when tapping" from "Pan wide images" setting (@arkon)
- Fix exception formatter's format (#9413) (@stevenyomi)
- Add an icon to "Item Per Row" on library sheet (#9414) (@AntsyLich)
- extension-lib 1.5: Add AppInfo#getSupportedImageMimeTypes() (@arkon)
- Add slider for changing columns (#9421) (@ghostbear)
- Avoid potential crash when opening library settings sheet 2.0 (#9419) (@AntsyLich)
- Process chapter duplicates after sorting (@arkon)
- Fix manga chapter flags not working (@arkon)
- Downgrade back down to Kotlin 1.8.10 (@arkon)
- Update dependency org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter to v5.9.3 (#9424) (@renovate[bot])
- Move GitHub Release/App Update logic to data (#9422) (@ghostbear)
- Update dependency io.github.fornewid:material-motion-compose-core to v0.12.1 (#9426) (@renovate[bot])
- Remove SourceData and use StubSource directly for database (#9429) (@ghostbear)
- Fix build (@jobobby04)
- fix to multiple "add to library" toasts bug when adding a new series (#9433) (@zaghdaneh)
- Try Apache implementation of ZipFile instead (@arkon)
- Bump dependencies (@arkon)
- Bump AGP for Android Studio Flamingo 2022.2.1 Patch 1 (@arkon)
- Get current track services when composing LibrarySettingsDialog (@arkon)
- Fix language in source filter list jumping to top incorrectly (@arkon)
- Migrate PageIndicatorTextView to Compose (@arkon)
- Migrate reader slider and next/prev buttons to Compose (@arkon)
- ChapterNavigator: Fix background color (#9450) (@ivaniskandar)
- ChapterNavigator: Fix haptic feedback (#9458) (@ivaniskandar)
- Ensure final download status is always set (#9453) (@Two-Ai)
- Fix delay between URL fetch and image download (#9452) (@Two-Ai)
- Update dependency org.jsoup:jsoup to v1.16.1 (#9427) (@renovate[bot])
- Translations update from Hosted Weblate (#9341) (@weblate)
- ChapterNavigator: Always show buttons and fix steps visual (#9461) (@ivaniskandar)
- Allow scrolling in restore confirmation dialog (@arkon)
- Fix filter FAB not working in migrate screen (@arkon)
- Improve subtitle handling (@jobobby04)
- Move encrypt database setting and add a warning (@jobobby04)
- Improve SourcePreferences error (@jobobby04)
- Fix source feed crash on non-catalogue sources (@jobobby04)
- Don't crash if last loaded url is null (@jobobby04)
- Always retry when its a NPE (@jobobby04)
- Add suggested rules (@jobobby04)
Variant | SHA-256 |
Universal | 24fe2fbc113920bbc3057ee882bec6f2ce2eb5afabf81ea4768725c8325e1ae7 |
arm64-v8a | 1aa9e671a0263eb18fa41b8fec78ad14c4c23ad384937007b3b18f355b2aabc5 |
armeabi-v7a | 3da1f819d4e2d0f6ce50cc67d7c96d8613804199c55d9ac593478aadf241a36c |
x86 | 11258b76559cc7f202fe53453b38ec6b31453a1ef26e60de2d03773a1b49aeef |
x86_64 | c2e3dbe02bf1b411ebfe597e81722237854c78003d961132a305f3f69c8ea72e |