github jmshrv/finamp 0.9.13-beta
Finamp Beta Update 0.9.13

latest releases: 0.9.14-beta, 0.6.27
pre-release2 months ago


Since the last update on Android, Finamp sometimes gets stuck when opening the app. This seems to happen when its audio player has been suspended by the operating system. Force-closing (terminating) Finamp seems to fix this temporarily. We're looking into it.

Hi everyone!

New year, new Finamp beta update! We hope you all had a happy holiday and are excited for this beta update!
We've got some basic media output selection on Android, finally managed to enable translations for the beta, and of course a host of bug fixes, as always.
Have fun with the update, and be sure to read the release notes below to get all the details!

If you're not using the beta yet (how to join) (click to expand)

The beta is free and open to everyone, but we'd like to get as much feedback as possible. So please do try it out and then let us know what you think!

  1. Join the Finamp Beta Testers Discord server
    • This step is optional, but since we're looking for feedback, it would be great if you could join!
    • Alternatively, there's a discussion for the beta right here on GitHub: Redesign Beta discussion
  2. Take note of your current Finamp settings, since this is a beta it could happen that the update changes some of them.
    • Downloads should be migrated, but since the new download system is completely different, there might be inconsistencies.
  3. On Android, join the beta on Google Play or download the APK file from below.
    On iOS, join the beta on TestFlight.
    • We're currently not able to offer a beta on F-Droid (more info here), but you can use an app like Obtainium to automatically download the latest APK from GitHub.
  4. Open Finamp and enjoy!

Keep in mind that not all of the text in the beta has been translated yet. If you're missing a translation, you can now contribute it on Weblate!

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed "Finamp has crashed" warning when closing the app on iOS
  • Fixed reported playback not properly stopping (or reappearing later) on the server
  • Fixed some offline plays not being logged correctly
  • Fixed weirdly formatted track numbers on the album screen

What's New

Translation Updates

We've merged all new translations from the stable version into the beta version. Thanks to everyone who contributed!
More importantly, it's now possible to translate the Finamp beta! We switched Weblate from stable to beta, finally allowing you to translate all the new text into your native language! Just head over to Weblate to get started:
We lost a bit of translation progress because not all text from the stable version could be re-used, so it would be awesome if you could spare just 10 minutes to translate a few strings into your native language!

We also have a discussion channel for translations on our Discord server where you can quickly ask questions about the context or intended meaning of a string. Alternatively, you can also ask questions as a translations discussion here on GitHub.

New Settings

  • [Android] Changed the default setting for "Enter Low-Priority Mode on Pause" to enabled (from disabled)
    • Settings > "Audio Service" > "Enter Low-Priority Mode on Pause"
    • This was done because some people experienced severe battery drain caused by Finamp staying active at all times
    • This change will only affect new installations
      • Unless Finamp is causing significant battery drain, I still recommend disabling this to prevent Finamp getting killed in the background when music is paused

Other changes

  • The player screen now has a new button on Android for opening the media output switcher
    • This is complementary to the AirPlay button already available on iOS
    • This might cause issues on older devices. Let us know if you run into trouble!
  • Added buttons for resetting to default settings to each setting page (contributed by @flloschy)
    • Some pages already had this, but now it's consistent
    • You can also reset all settings by using the reset button on the main settings page
  • Fixed Now Playing bar from jumping up slightly after restoring the queue (contributed by @Komodo5197)
  • Increased padding at the end of lists so nothing is hidden behind other elements and it's clear that the end has been reached (contributed by @Komodo5197)

Upcoming Features

We have a lot of features planned for the future, and we're always open to new ideas. Here are some of the things that we're planning to add:

  • Support for controlling Finamp through other Jellyfin clients or the admin dashboard ("Play On")
  • More contrast and accent color improvements
  • More design updates (album screen, home screen)
  • Desktop Support
    • This is now in a "soft release" stage, where it might already be available for your platform. An official release will happen in the future

You can take a look at the full list and current progress in the Redesign project.

Not a whole lot of changes over the holidays, and I'm sorry for not releasing some of the bug fixes earlier. But now they're out and it's time to tackle the remaining bugs...

Thank you for using Finamp!

- Chaphasilor

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