- New Features:
- passing a list to the ASK command in sensing presents a menu to the user
- formatting a list of texts displays it as chat-history in an ASK menu
- ASK nothing or a falsy value terminates all threads currently displaying a question or waiting to ask one and clears the last "answer"
- new "Menus" library
- broadcasting now supports optional additional data transmission, also when switching scenes
- export script (including dependencies) via its context menu
- export / import sprite-local custom block definitions from the palette
- export block definitions from inside the block editor
- embed blocks into costume metadata to be shared as image file
- exported script pics now always include the actual blocks, which can be extracted from the image inside Snap!
- exported scripts (!) pics now also always include either the actual blocks (if it's a single script), the block definition (if it's a block editor), or a sprite-representation of the current object (sprite or stage)
- added green flag symbol to "when I receive" dropdown menu, support when clicking the green flag button in the IDE
- added "combinations" primitive to the palette
- new POSITION primitive reporter in the MOTION category
- new MOUSE POSITION primitive reporter in the SENSING category
- new "position" choice in OF reporter's attribute dropdown, reports a list of XY coordinates
- new "variables" choice in OF reporter's attribute dropdown, reports a list of reachable variable names
- new "categories" choice in MY reporter's dropdown, reports an ordered list of all category names whose indices match the "category" reported elsewhere
- new "label", "type", "scope", "slots", "defaults", "menus" and "editables" choices in the OF BLOCK block-attribute reporter's dropdown
- new "set attribute of block" primitive
- new "define block" primitive
- new "delete block" primitive
- new "this script" primitive
- added support to the OF reporter for binding a ring to another one, e.g. THIS SCRIPT, to access its local variables
- new localization extension primitives in the "ide" category, hyperized
- new extension primitive for importing a costume from a url
- new extension primitive for querying all variable names accessible from a specified scope (global, sprite, script)
- new extension primitive for querying whether a watcher for a variable by name is shown onstage
- new support for setting the translation via the API
- new TuneScope extension and library, thanks, Glen, Eric, and team!
- new "Tad", "Jahrd", "Derec" and "Jamet" costume series, thanks, Meghan and Brian!
- Notable Changes:
- exporting a library includes dependencies (auto-select all referenced blocks)
- exporting / importing a sprite includes dependencies (global custom blocks and palette categories)
- imported single scripts are now placed into the hand, for the user to position them in the scripting area
- moved "append", "reshape", "combinations" blocks down one group in the palette
- moved "current date" block up to "timer" group in the palette
- moved "attribute of block" block from the sensing category to control
- include currently dragged sprites in the MY OTHER SPRITES/CLONES lists
- library import dialog makeover for custom categories and hidden blocks, thanks, Michael!
- when querying a custom reporter's "definition" property only report its reporter without the REPORT block (if applicable)
- SciSnap2 extension update (ImagePad), thanks, Eckart!
- MQTT extension update, thanks, Simon and Xavier!
- Notable Fixes:
- fixed relabelling "sum", "product", "minimum" and "maximum" reporters
- fixed relabelling local custom blocks to global ones and vice-versa
- fixed library blocks preview to deal with both local and global blocks
- fixed scope of script vars inside experimental JIT-compiled rings, thanks, xBZZZ!
- fixed a "wandering" watcher positioning bug when saving / loading a project into a scaled stage
- fixed an edge case for slot type inferral
- fixed variadic AND/OR reporters library, thanks, Brian!
- fixed a pen-size issue in the frequency distribution analysis' graph-plot block, thanks, Brian!
- fixed block label color when expanding or inserting variadic infix slots
- framerate is throttled to < 67 fps
- Documentation Updates:
- new Manual for v8, yay! Thanks, Brian!
- updated contribution guidelines, thanks, Peter!
- updated help screens for NUMBERS and FIND FIRST, thanks, Brian, Peter and WarpedWartWars!
- updated the API documentation for "setTranslation"
- Translation Updates:
- German
- Greek, thank you, HM100!