github jmir1/aniyomi-mpv-beta r6142
Aniyomi MPV Beta r6142

latest releases: r7474, r6658, r6657...
14 months ago




Variant SHA-256
Universal 87b70bb3237a4762f3457e82a922a321c4bc6ff86f42b3fc2d160d71a52d9f84
arm64-v8a c3f18cc85fd65b2717827af129ccd3846f311ac2cc34b42ba903f9dfdfe22e5b
armeabi-v7a 82145ad3f9e191570e30d3dd059a0dfffd210a91278ebded5d102e098cacea27
x86 ca3fcfc708c27e0ab437e6dc496300067a9626e3c03688a1a927c706be637765
x86_64 3853c8b38510755f040efda63c3e4f5cb431302089ce24881d7e833906b122a5

⬇️ Which APK do I download? ⬇️

Unless you have an old device, you generally want to get arm64-v8a. Try armeabi-v7a otherwise. x86 devices are very rare. If you are unsure or require compatibility then the universal APK (the biggest in size) will work everywhere.

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