github jmir1/aniyomi-mpv-beta r6141
Aniyomi MPV Beta r6141

latest releases: r7474, r6658, r6657...
23 months ago




Variant SHA-256
Universal e99a57a10220e4e86df3731360299d248bfdbd6e47e392298fb45c37e6aca867
arm64-v8a 8dcd4846c0af055768b88bccd42c9e2894141b8fb0a9f71da2d18f4da9b29ada
armeabi-v7a ed6f5dff978c4a429d5ca107fbfa8d2f85abb2d4d7f1fa7b2b95679f0337c8a0
x86 0170677467800833c42b68d1f0205054cee074d50636f40f8ff947b11bcdfe6e
x86_64 b44ab9faa05283cf578e5cf0aec55e3a34ee4de11b8f8c8dc819114b390e53f3

⬇️ Which APK do I download? ⬇️

Unless you have an old device, you generally want to get arm64-v8a. Try armeabi-v7a otherwise. x86 devices are very rare. If you are unsure or require compatibility then the universal APK (the biggest in size) will work everywhere.

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