github jmcollin78/versatile_thermostat 3.6.0
Release 3.6.0 - community enhancements

latest releases: 6.2.4.beta1, 6.2.3, 6.2.2...
7 months ago

Release content

  1. Enhance motion detection - #116 #128 (thanks to @maia),
  2. Add incompatibility in documentation for Danfoss POPP TRV - #130 (thanks to @Bornich),
  3. Force the resend of temperature after turning on a over climate VTherm - #133 (Thanks to @Ra72xx). This bug is a side effect of #101 fixed in previous release.
  4. Add the AC mode for thermostat over switch - #108 (Thanks to @muchasuerte for its contribution)


  1. if you use the motion detection, you may want to change the motion_off_delay to make motion detection works as expected.
  2. if you use a Air Conditioner in switch mode, you may want to check the "AC Mode" checkbox now available in Thermostat over switch and configure the temperature for the AC mode.

Many thanks to the community, for their report.

A special thanks for @salabur, @pvince83, @Bergoglio, @EPicLURcher, @ecolorado66, @Kriss1670, @maia, @f.maymil for their beers ! I really appreciate.

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