github jmbannon/ytdl-sub 2023.09.22.post5
ytdl-sub 2023.09.22.post5

latest releases: 2024.06.06, 2024.06.03.post1, 2024.06.03...
8 months ago

[REVERT] Remove default match-filter that filters live videos (#739)

Adding a default match-filter broke other people's match-filters. This is because each match-filter acts as an OR. I.e.

    - "!is_live & !is_upcoming & !post_live"  # the one I added
    - "original_url!*=/shorts/ & !is_live"

Would not filter shorts, because under the hood, yt-dlp evaluates it as (!is_live & !is_upcoming & !post_live) | (original_url!*=/shorts/ & !is_live)

Need to rethink how to filter live videos by default 🤔

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