Prerelease WARNING
This is prerelease nightly version. It should NOT be considered as stable.
Name | File | OS |
Installer (Windows) | ffdec_22.0.1_nightly3023_setup.exe | |
ZIP (Windows, Linux, Mac OS) | | |
DEB package (Linux) | ffdec_22.0.1_nightly3023.deb | |
Mac OS X Installer (pkg) | ffdec_22.0.1_nightly3023.pkg | |
Mac OS X Application (zipped) | | |
Library only (Java SE) - Zipped | | |
Library documentation (HTML Javadoc) - Zipped | |
What's new since last stable version:
- FLA export - accessibility for AS3 files
- #2375 Sound sync event/start/stop handling (for playback in FFDec)
- #2374 Quick filter by folder type (Ctrl+F on Resources view tag tree)
- #2389 Support for SPL file extension (Flash version 1 - Future Splash Animator)
- #2375 Added limit of simultaneously played sounds
- AS1/2 - Push action hilighting, GetProperty, Call action hilighting
- #2381 Font color values with alpha allowed in html edittext, but alpha ignored
- #2384 Vanishing pins on AS3 code editing save, on script deletion and few other cases
- #2394 Broken AS1/2 deobfuscation on incorrect length of ActionStrictMode,
- #2394 AS1/2 ActionStrictMode with mode larger than 1 now ignored
- #2393 AS1/2 ActionGotoFrame2 P-code trailing comma