github jindrapetrik/jpexs-decompiler nightly3001
(PREVIEW) version 21.1.3 nightly 3001

latest releases: nightly3027, nightly3026, nightly3025...
pre-release4 months ago

Prerelease WARNING

This is prerelease nightly version. It should NOT be considered as stable.


Name File OS
Installer (Windows) Installer (Windows) ffdec_21.1.3_nightly3001_setup.exe Works on Windows
ZIP (Windows, Linux, Mac OS) ZIP (Windows, Linux, Mac OS) Works on WindowsWorks on LinuxWorks with macOS
DEB package (Linux) DEB package (Linux) ffdec_21.1.3_nightly3001.deb Works on Linux
Mac OS X Installer (pkg) Mac OS X Installer (pkg) ffdec_21.1.3_nightly3001.pkg Works with macOS
Mac OS X Application (zipped) Mac OS X Application (zipped) Works with macOS
Library only (Java SE) - Zipped Library only (Java SE) - Zipped Works on java
Library documentation (HTML Javadoc) - Zipped Library documentation (HTML Javadoc) - Zipped

What's new since last stable version:


  • Simple editor view - new simplified UI based on timeline view,
    which resembles Flash Pro UI. Easier moving objects,
    resizing, adding frames, adding objects to stage. Instance property editation.
    Undo / redo feature. Double click movie clips to edit sub-objects.
  • #1619 Option to set thread count to 0 for auto setting processor count - 1
  • #2360 SOL file (Flash Local Shared Object - flash cookie) editor
  • Cookies folder to easy edit NPAPI SOL files (only cookies in the swf root directory)
  • Link to FFDec Wiki on the Help menu
  • On Run/Debug SWF file in FFDec, Flash cookies (SOL files) are synced
    from temporary SWF directory to actual SWF SOL directory


  • #2357 AS3 instance var/const initialization
  • #2361 Transform tool for PlaceObject tags
  • #2357 FLA export letterspacing on two character texts
  • #2357 FLA export to CS4 and lower - files exceeding 0x7FFF objects limit
  • #2357 FLA export to CS4 and lower - speed optimization
  • #2362 Generating error log ExecutionException - InterruptedException log on switching flash/air swc


  • #1619 Default thread count is set to 0 ( = auto)
  • AMF3 (new AMF0 aswell) references and "undefined" values written as JSON objects

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