github jindrapetrik/jpexs-decompiler nightly2893
(PREVIEW) version 21.0.5 nightly 2893

latest releases: nightly3019, nightly3018, nightly3017...
pre-release3 months ago

Prerelease WARNING

This is prerelease nightly version. It should NOT be considered as stable.


Name File OS
Installer (Windows) Installer (Windows) ffdec_21.0.5_nightly2893_setup.exe Works on Windows
ZIP (Windows, Linux, Mac OS) ZIP (Windows, Linux, Mac OS) Works on WindowsWorks on LinuxWorks with Mac OSX
DEB package (Linux) DEB package (Linux) ffdec_21.0.5_nightly2893.deb Works on Linux
Mac OS X Installer (pkg) Mac OS X Installer (pkg) ffdec_21.0.5_nightly2893.pkg Works with Mac OSX
Mac OS X Application (zipped) Mac OS X Application (zipped) Works with Mac OSX
Library only (Java SE) - Zipped Library only (Java SE) - Zipped Works on java
Library documentation (HTML Javadoc) - Zipped Library documentation (HTML Javadoc) - Zipped

What's new since last stable version:


  • FLA export - generating bin/*.dat files for movies and images


  • #2309 XML export/import - Decimal support
  • #2300, #2303 ShellFolder Comparaor Windows Java error
  • #2302 AS3 Class linkage - changes did not save

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