Prerelease WARNING
This is prerelease nightly version. It should NOT be considered as stable.
Name | File | OS |
Installer (Windows) | ffdec_19.1.2_nightly2679_setup.exe | |
ZIP (Windows, Linux, Mac OS) | | |
DEB package (Linux) | ffdec_19.1.2_nightly2679.deb | |
Mac OS X Installer (pkg) | ffdec_19.1.2_nightly2679.pkg | |
Mac OS X Application (zipped) | | |
Library only (Java SE) - Zipped | |
What's new since last stable version:
- #1130, #1220 Remembering last used screen (monitor),
opening dialogs on same screen as the main window,
do not restore window size to larger value that actual screen size - #1717 AS1/2/3 Option to hide P-code panel
- #2005 Export files to directories by bundle names on multiple bundle (zips, etc.) selection
- ActionScript Debugger - Call stack frames switching - view variables around call stack
- ActionScript Debugger - Highlight lines of callstack
- #2105 GFX - Basic tag info
- Context menu items to create new tags (shape, morphshape, sprite, image, movie, sound, binaryData) from files
and using font embed dialog for fonts - Replacing morphshapes (either from previously exported animated SVG or from two shape files)
- SVG Export - stroke-bitmapId, fill-bitmapId attribute
- Morphshape SVG Export - bitmap fill strokes
- SVG Export/Import - retain bitmap fill smoothed attribute
- Export Morphshape as start and end shape (SVG, PNG, BMP)
- Directory selection dialog in directory configs in advanced settings
- Status bar with info about edges on walking shaperecords
- #1799 Text tags editor has new parameter
[space xxx]
specifying exact letter
advance value (add to the font advance + calculated letterspacing)
- #1306, #1768 Maximizing window on other than main monitor
- AS3 Cast exception when used tree filter and then direct editing
- #2013 AS3 Multiname renaming - closing the script when renaming the class, nullpointer exception
- GFX - FontTextureInfo tag reading
- GFX - Fonts with stripped shapes
- #2104 Empty texts import
- Centered start playing triangle (Playing on demand)
- miterLimitFactor is FIXED8 value in MORPHLINESTYLE2
- Display of morphshape end shape to be exactly at 65535 ratio
- SVG import - duplicated image on bitmap fill style
- Generic tag editor - morphshape fill - show bitmapId for repeating bitmap fill, gradient matrix for focal gradient
- Morphshape SVG export - focalPoint animation
- Do not display lines with zero width
- Not updating Morphshape end bounds
- SVG import - linear gradients
- SVG import - Do not use fill winding nonzero when only stroking
- Morphshape SVG export - closing the stroke
- #2031 FLA export - morphshapes with duplicated strokes, timelines with multiple shape tweens
- #1866 FLA export - multilevel clipping handling
- #1866 FLA export - morphshape rounding fix
- #1866 FLA export - multiple usage of morphshapes
- #503, #1011, #1257, #1902, #1903, #2048 FLA export - shapes with overlapping edges
- #2108 Cannot change text when ShiftJIS flag is set on font
- #2074, #2074 Use mxmlc.bat file when exe not available for Flex SDK compilation
- Basic tag info panel always visible even when nothing to display (to avoid flickering)
- SVG export - attributes like data-characterId and data-characterName moved under
namespace - #802 - FLA export - calculating letterspacing on text with fonts without layout is now optional
and turned off by default