Prerelease WARNING
This is prerelease nightly version. It should NOT be considered as stable.
Name | File | OS |
Installer (Windows) | ffdec_18.5.0_nightly2565_setup.exe | |
ZIP (Windows, Linux, Mac OS) | | |
DEB package (Linux) | ffdec_18.5.0_nightly2565.deb | |
Mac OS X Installer (pkg) | ffdec_18.5.0_nightly2565.pkg | |
Mac OS X Application (zipped) | | |
Library only (Java SE) - Zipped | |
What's new since last stable version:
- #1449 Updated Turkish translation
- #2070 SWF to XML format has new meta fields describing XML export major/minor version
(major = uncompatible change) - #2070 forceWriteAsLong Tag internal attribute is now visible and editable
(including XML export), allows decide whether to write length in tag header as long - #2073 Editing of frame count in SWF header (with warning that it won't update ShowFrame count)
- #2043 StartSound2 tag handling
- PR176 - slow loading of allowed charsets - now lazy loaded
- PR178 - infinite recursion when getter/setter calls same property of superclass
- #2070 Handling newlines and tabs in string values inside SWF to XML export
- #2017, PR179 Classes in same package displayed as fully qualified
- PR177 AS3 direct editation - Vector literal
- #2052, #2058 Adding new script placing class to incorrect DoABC tag
- #2072 AS3 direct editation - incorrectly using trait names of top level classes
- #2029 Simplify expressions stripping getlex and also ignoring some types of expressions
- #2052 Detection of switches based on notequal operator
- #2073 Recalculating frameCount field in SWF header and DefineSprite after deleting frame
- Handling currently selected tags when using folder preview selection (Not working Replace button, etc.)
- FLA export - Sprites which do not end with ShowFrame tag
- PR109 FLA export - large font size of DefineEditText
- PR110 FLA export - image instances
- #2070 String values inside SWF to XML export are backslash escaped
to properly handle newlines and tabs. Older versions of FFDec can read this
new format wrong and corrupt SWFs.
Major version of SWF to XML export changed to 2.