github jindrapetrik/jpexs-decompiler nightly1869
(PREVIEW) version 14.1.0 nightly 1869

latest releases: nightly3017, nightly3016, nightly3015...
pre-release3 years ago

Prerelease WARNING

This is prerelease nightly version. It should NOT be considered as stable.


Name File OS
Installer (Windows) Installer (Windows) ffdec_14.1.0_nightly1869_setup.exe Works on Windows
ZIP (Windows, Linux, Mac OS) ZIP (Windows, Linux, Mac OS) Works on WindowsWorks on LinuxWorks with Mac OSX
DEB package (Linux) DEB package (Linux) ffdec_14.1.0_nightly1869.deb Works on Linux
Mac OS X Installer (pkg) Mac OS X Installer (pkg) ffdec_14.1.0_nightly1869.pkg Works with Mac OSX
Mac OS X Application (zipped) Mac OS X Application (zipped) Works with Mac OSX
Language pack for translators (zipped) Language pack for translators (zipped) Works on java
Library only (Java SE) - Zipped Library only (Java SE) - Zipped Works on java

What's new since last stable version:


  • #1645 Scrollbar to recent searches dropdown
  • #1639 Clearing search results for current file
  • #1371 Go to character id (Ctrl+G in tag tree)
  • #1156 FLA, SVG, Canvas Export - 9 slice scaling (DefineScalingGrid)
  • #843 Compound assignments (like +=) decompilation and direct editation
  • #1221 Separate icons for different actionscript objects (class/interface/frame/)
  • AS3 P-code - hilight and edit traits outside classes


  • #1471 Import script menuitem renamed to Import scripts.


  • Exception when switching from nonribbon interface to ribbon
  • #1396, #1254 FLA Export - AS3 frame scripts
  • FLA Export - mutliple FrameLabel layers
  • #1636 Nullpointer exception on empty editorpane
  • #1156 Rendering - 9 slice scaling (DefineScalingGrid) clipping
  • #1647 Copying to clipboard - Transparency support
  • Incorrect placeobject display (tag selection)
  • Generic tag saving problem - timelined exception
  • #1332 Flash viewer - Show directly added images when placeFlagHasImage is true on AS3 swfs
  • XML Import - not set SWF and Timelined internal values caused an exception on item display
  • #1636 Goto usage exception and incorrect trait position
  • #1648 Search - loaded search results mixed
  • #1650 Empty search results from history after reloading SWF file
  • #1651 FLA Export - mask layers

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