Prerelease WARNING
This is prerelease nightly version. It should NOT be considered as stable.
Name | File | OS |
Installer (Windows) | ffdec_14.0.1_nightly1851_setup.exe | |
ZIP (Windows, Linux, Mac OS) | | |
DEB package (Linux) | ffdec_14.0.1_nightly1851.deb | |
Mac OS X Installer (pkg) | ffdec_14.0.1_nightly1851.pkg | |
Mac OS X Application (zipped) | | |
Language pack for translators (zipped) | | |
Library only (Java SE) - Zipped | |
What's new since last stable version:
- #1561 Font editing - import ascent, descent, leading, kerning
- Font editing - font name, ascent, descent, leading
- PlaceObject tags matrix editation - FreeTransform tool (move, resize, rotate, shear)
- #1623 Right side marker (gray line) in P-code
- #1622 Slow scrolling (search results, advanced settings and others)
- #1626 AS3 decompilation - unpopped obfuscated function
- #1624 Saving last searches saves only first results
- #1627 Previously decompiled scripts not cached
- SWF is not garbage collected on close in some situations
- AS1/2 script search does not show all results
- #1633 AS3 decompilation - return in clause
- AS3 p-code/AS hilighting when outside trait
- AS3 p-code/AS hilighting after p-code save
- Decompilation - Goto handling
- Not selecting proper script after restoring session
- #1603 empty script after search selection
- Generic tag tree exception on save
- Copying to clipboard does not support transparency
- #1634 AS3 slot/const editor loses focus on edit button press
- #1636 Exception after search - traitslist with not properly set abc, other ui exception
- Flash viewer- cyclic DefineSprite usage
- #1570 Incorrect shape rendering when edge is reversed
- #1643 Separate AS1/2 and AS3 editor hilighting
- AS3 direct editation - slot/const default values
- #1328 AS1/2/3 direct editation - empty commands (just semicolon)
- #1310 AS1/2/3 direct editation - modulo operator precedence
- AS3 - escaping star import
- #1298 AS1 colon syntax handling
- #1298 AS1 direct editation of add,eq,ne and such operations
- #1260 AS1/2 direct editation - is/as/:: are not reserved operators
- Goto declaration - exception when exists QName with 0 namespace index
- #1631 ActiveX Flash component download in windows installer
- Spaces around ternar operators, parenthesis on ternar inside ternat