github jindrapetrik/jpexs-decompiler nightly1818
(PREVIEW) version 13.0.3 nightly 1818

latest releases: nightly3017, nightly3016, nightly3015...
pre-release3 years ago

Prerelease WARNING

This is prerelease nightly version. It should NOT be considered as stable.


Name File OS
Installer (Windows) Installer (Windows) ffdec_13.0.3_nightly1818_setup.exe Works on Windows
ZIP (Windows, Linux, Mac OS) ZIP (Windows, Linux, Mac OS) Works on WindowsWorks on LinuxWorks with Mac OSX
DEB package (Linux) DEB package (Linux) ffdec_13.0.3_nightly1818.deb Works on Linux
Mac OS X Installer (pkg) Mac OS X Installer (pkg) ffdec_13.0.3_nightly1818.pkg Works with Mac OSX
Mac OS X Application (zipped) Mac OS X Application (zipped) Works with Mac OSX
Language pack for translators (zipped) Language pack for translators (zipped) Works on java
Library only (Java SE) - Zipped Library only (Java SE) - Zipped Works on java

What's new since last stable version:


  • #1202 Check for modifications outside FFDec and ask user to reload
  • #1155, #1602 AS3 remove trait button
  • #1260, #1438 AS1/2 direct editing on(xxx), onClipEvent(xxx) handlers
  • #1366, #1409, #1429, #1573, #1598 AS1/2/3 Add script/class (context menu on scripts folder)
  • Removing whole AS1/2 script folders (frame, DefineSprite, packages)
  • Removing AS3 scripts and whole packages
  • Japanese translation
  • #428, #583, #1373 Exporting PDFs with selectable text
  • Goto address dialog in Hex view (Ctrl+G or via context menu)


  • #1298 AS1/2 properly decompiled setProperty/getProperty
  • AS1/2 Direct editation mark line on error
  • Collapsing tag tree on SWF reload
  • #1339 AS1/2 direct editation - targetPath as an expression
  • #1467 AS1/2 direct editation - allow new Number call
  • #1489 AS1/2 direct editation - reversed negations
  • #1489 AS1/2 direct editation - for in loop
  • #1490, #1493 AS1/2 direct editation - cast op
  • AS1/2 cast op decompilation
  • Only last DoInitAction tag displayed
  • #1606 Run/Debug SWF that is embedded (has no file associated)
  • AS3 direct editation - coerce in setproperty
  • AS3 direct editation - unary minus (negate) compiled as 0 - value
  • AS3 direct editation - using finally clause for continue and break
  • AS3 direct editation - popscope in catch on continue and break
  • #1159, #1608 Regexp syntax hilight when not a regexp (only division) again
  • Graphviz Graph not showing AS3 exception end
  • #1609 First frame missing in frame to PDF export
  • AS3 with statement decompilation
  • #1610 AS3 unnecessary adding namespaces
  • #1610 AS3 P-code editation - true/false/undefined/null has value_index same as value_kind
  • Ribbon stealing focus when pressing Alt (for example in editors)
  • Focused byte barely visible in hex view


  • #1565, #1407, #1350 On BinaryData SWF save, parent SWF is saved
  • Mouseover / focused bytes in hexview displayed with border
    instead of background color change to improve readability

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