Prerelease WARNING
This is prerelease nightly version. It should NOT be considered as stable.
Name | File | OS |
Installer (Windows) | ffdec_12.0.1_nightly1762_setup.exe | |
ZIP (Windows, Linux, Mac OS) | | |
DEB package (Linux) | ffdec_12.0.1_nightly1762.deb | |
Mac OS X Installer (pkg) | ffdec_12.0.1_nightly1762.pkg | |
Mac OS X Application (zipped) | | |
Language pack for translators (zipped) | | |
Library only (Java SE) - Zipped | |
What's new since last stable version:
- Graphviz graphs colorized
- AS3: Show try graph heads in Graphviz distinguished
- #341, #1379 AS3: Support for scripts not using kill instruction
- AS3 method trait p-code indentation, (optional) instruction name padding
- AS3 editation of method body traits (slot/const only)
- Using new FFDec icon on Mac
- AS3: get/set slot for global scope
- AS3: Incorrect handling of strict equals operator in if vs switch resulting in §§pop
- Better goto detection/for continue
- Support for comma operator in switch case statements
- Losing script tree focus on script selection (disallowed walking tree with keyboard up/down)
- Proper window screen centering
- Graph dialog proper window size
- Graph dialog scroll speed increased
- AS3: return in finally
- AS3 docs not correctly displayed under p-code when metadata present
- Improper initialization of ActiveX component when Flash not available causing FFDec not start
- #1206 Switch with multiple default clauses
- ASC2 §§push of function calls before returning from a method
- Support for ASC2 and swftools try..catch..finally block
- AS3 test methods separated to classes
- AS3 p-code more RAbcDasm like (WARNING: Breaks backward compatibility):
- parenthesis after True/False/Undefined/Null trait kinds
- commas in parameters list
- lookupswitch caseoffsets in brackets
- get/setlocal_x renamed to get/setlocalx
- QName casing changed from Qname
- Code structure detection in Graphviz graphs as it was usually wrong